Monday 28 November 2011


"And So the lion fell in love with the lamb.

What a stupid lamb.
What a sick masochistic lion."
-Edward & Bella

My mind recalls the essence of your touch
Although I try to forget, I see you when I close my eyes
Your warmth and gentleness have engulfed my soul,
They illuminate even the darkest shadows of my being.
The forbidden love I have for you will not die
Neither time nor man can stop my heart from beating,
My lips from speaking your name.
Do not turn from me
For if I can be nothing more to you...
I desire to be just one breath that you take
To feel you completely, to be in your heart for one moment.
Perhaps someday you will treasure me
Hold me, never leave me.
Proving to me that my love is not in vain.
Credit:Tracy Espinoza

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